Saturday 6 September 2014


CHICKEN I think is a staple these days. This was not the scenario , say about 30 years back. Chicken was not allowed inside the kitchen of many Indian homes. I remember , as a child, when I visited my maternal grandparent's home, chicken was cooked and eaten in earthen pots in the garden if my uncles and aunts wished to. Later the used pots were thrown away. Whatever the reason may be, for
us it was a picnic sort of thing. Perhaps because of this restriction, chicken tasted heavenly then.
In the present day scenario, Chicken is a rescuer, very handy, easily available and quick to make. It is absolutely necessary to prepare it in different ways. It is not difficult as you are spoilt with choices. Whichever way you cook it, it's a hit for my men. This flexibility of this bird really makes me happily cook it often happily.

Here's for you today Coriander Chicken; a very easy recipe with minimal spices. I have used only sliced onion, garlic paste, dry red chilli powder, green chilli-coriander paste in it!


Chicken : 500 gm [ I used Country Chicken]
Fresh Coriander leaves : 250 gm
Garlic Paste : 2 table spoon
Ginger Paste : 2 tsp
Plain Yogurt : 100 gm
Bay leaf : 1
Green Chilli paste : 2-3 tbsp
Onion : 2 medium
Garam Masala Powder ( Punjabi ) : 1/4 tsp
Salt : As per taste.
Oil : 3 tablespoon


Wash the chicken ( boneless or with bones ) pieces very well, Pat dry. Beat well the yogurt and pour over the chicken. Add little salt. Mix well and refrigerate in a tightly closed container for 2 hours. Take out half an hour before cooking.

Cut and discard the end portion of the Coriander sprigs. Wash very well. Roughly chop and prepare a paste in the mixer. Keep covered in a tightly closed container , otherwise  the flavour goes.

Slice the onions thinly and wash. Heat oil in a wok. Temper with the bay leaf. Add in the sliced onions. Fry till golden brown.

Add the garlic & ginger pastes. Fry well till the raw smell goes. Add the green  chilli paste and little salt. Fry till the oil separate from the spice mix.

At this stage, add the chicken along with the marination. Stir and cover. Cook at low flame stirring occasionally.

When the chicken is half done , pour in the coriander paste. Stir well. Cover again . After 5-8 minutes  open and sprinkle the garam masala powder. Stir and cook for another 2 minutes.

Please note, no water is required for this recipe as it is cooked in the water that is released from the yogurt. It is a no turmeric recipe.

Enjoy with flat & puffed breads, even rice! You can see Broad Bean-Coconut Bharta & Water Cress-Potato-Raw Banana Light Curry on the side.