Wednesday 30 March 2016


Its been long I have not blogged about an Egg dish. It is a regular affair in our home. My senior loves egg to the hilt. The day I prepare an egg curry, I serve extra spoons of rice on his plate without the fear of been scolded. My men are not fond of plain steamed rice and me.... a typical Bengali of East Bengal origin thinks how can one survive without rice. After been diagnosed with diabetes, rice is as much forbidden to me as was apple to Adam n Eve. At times, I get angry with the Lord; why he had to gift diabetes to a person who is a diehard foodie. I still do not deprive myself of the white beauty, I eat 2-4 tablespoon everyday. 

The sight of rice gives me a pleasure. I love handmade breads too but they cause me acidity at times, rice never do.... it never betrays me... When the stomach is upset... I take a little of rice on a bowl.... add a spoonful of butter, salt and a green chilli. Having it works wonder for my stomach when upset. I am planning to learn, cook and blog about various kinds of handmade breads and fried rice varieties in the coming years.

This island is the perfect place for foodies. You are spoilt for choices when it comes to food. Almost with every dish there is a choice of rice or noodles. Thats where I have restrictions and settle with a soup or salad mostly. Coming to the Egg Curry, yesterday I wished to prepare something different from the regular affair. This made at home shahi spice paste I use in chicken / mutton / paneer dishes too. It is mildly spiced, a little of sweet & flavourful. Shahi Egg Curry goes very well with both rice or  breads, perhaps better with breads. Let us prepare this yummy Shahi Egg Curry together in few easy steps....


Egg : 6-9
Onion : 2
Poppy Seed : 2 tsp[if you are in Singapore or Dubai, use roasted white sesame seeds instead]
Cashew Nuts : 6-7
Melon Seed [charmagoj] : 1tsp
Raisin : 5-6
Ginger Paste : 1tsp
Garlic Paste : 1tsp
Green Chilli : 2
Green Cardamom : 2-3
Cinnamon Stick : 2 two inch size
Cloves : 2-3
Bayleaf : 1
Salt : As required
Turmeric Powder : 1/4 tsp [optional]
Sugar : 1 tsp [optional]
Plain Yogurt : 2 tbsp
Oil : 2 tbsp


Boil the eggs in enough water adding some salt, take them down and let cool. Thereafter, peel off their shells. Rub a little of salt on the eggs after making slits on both ends or on their body with a knife.

Peel, wash and roughly chop the onions. Grind them to a paste.

Wash and soak the poppy seeds in hot water for 1/2 an hour, strain the water. If you are using white sesame seed.... roast lightly.

Blend together the washed green chillies, cashew nuts, poppyseed or roasted sesame seeds, melon seeds, raisins using water as much as is required for a paste.

Heat the oil in a wok. Temper the oil with bayleaf, cloves, cinnamon and green cardamoms.

Add the onion paste. Saute for 2 minutes. Add the ginger and garlic pastes and saute for another 2-3 minutes.

Add the mixed spice paste now and saute for a minute. Beat the yogurt and add to the spice paste, stir for 1/2 a minute.

Add a cup of water. As the gravy comes to a boil, add the boiled eggs. Add salt and sugar.

Let it boil for 3-4 minutes. Once the gravy thickens, switch off the gas stove.

Transfer it to a serving bowl and enjoy with chapati, paratha or rice! 


  1. Love this recipe. my Kids loves it... Quick easy and most important very tasty

  2. Egg is always my favorite. Will try this recipe

  3. This recipe is loaded with full of flavors. YUMMY!

  4. This is a very interesting combination Soma. The best thing about your recipes is that it always reminds my sister who is very experimental in her cooking, where as my focus is always on tried and tasted recipes. Very innovative and flavorful recipe. Good share soma.

    1. Thank you so much Deepa...liked your words so much...

  5. This shahi egg curry looks royal. Love how rich and creamy this is! YUM!

  6. Anupama..... thank you so much dear...

  7. Eggs are always a pleasure in my house. This egg curry is tempting. Having run out of what to do with eggs, here I am a recipe.

  8. The gravy part will be superb to enjoy in addition eggs to chuck.

    1. Thank you.. haha... seems u r not an egg lover.... use it in paneer, chicken, other veggies...

  9. WOW what a combo soma and looks absolutely divine. Loved it. Super like chef !!
