Thursday 17 March 2016



The elderly beings in the family would say starting to eat drumsticks with the onset of spring was a necessity to keep off measles and similar kind of diseases. Starting from the end of February until April, we used to eat drumsticks in various ways, in lentil curries, mixed vegetables. Our mother used to prepare vegetarian dishes and fritters with the drumstick flowers. In those days, when Kolkata was not congested with condominiums, we had a drumstick tree at every nook and corner of our neighbourhood. These trees do not need much of care, they grow just like that. 

I vividly remember that our school was situated in a protected zone, there we had a number of these trees. I used to look at the freshest green drumsticks hanging and how much I wished to get them for mani [our mother] but were not supposed to touch even. The market ones were not flawless green. When our son got admitted in a school at the Nursery level, it was situated in a 14 acres of landed area in the outskirts of Kolkata, I was overjoyed to see so many greens around. The villagers would get me drumsticks and other vegetables just for free. While our kids were at school, us moms would go for walks in the nearby villages or chit chat. I miss those days.

We call this Bengali recipe SHOJNE DATAR CHOCCHORI. Chocchori which is usually a dry or semi dry preparation. We prepare it with black mustard and green chilli paste. We cut the drumsticks and potatoes lengthwise and cook both using the mustard paste with some tempering. Let us prepare this humble vegetarian dish.... SHOJNE DATAR CHOCCHORI together.


Drumsticks : 3-4
Potato : 1 
Black Mustard : 1tsp
Green Chilli : 3-4
Salt : As required
Turmeric : 1tsp
Whole Red Chilli : 2
Nigella Seeds : 3 pinches
Bayleaf : 1
Oil : 2 tbsp [ mustard preferably ]


Cut the drumsticks lengthwise. Peel off the skin lightly, the flesh should be intact.

Peel and cut the potatoes lengthwise too. Wash and apply salt n turmeric. I keep the skin on for this recipe.

Prepare a paste with the mustard seeds, green chilli with a little of salt. This prevent the paste from turning bitter.

Heat the oil in a wok, temper with the bayleaf, nigella seeds and slitted dry red chillies.

Add the drumsticks and potato pieces. Stir well and cover. Let cook for 3-4 minutes.

Uncover and add the mustard paste. Stir well and cover.

Let cook for another 5-7 minutes at the medium to low heat. Uncover, if the water dries up, it is done.

It is to be had with plain steamed rice. 


  1. This recipe is new to me…. definitely going to try this…

    1. Swati its typical of eastern India.... thank you

  2. this dish is so close to heart..true to our roots

    1. Truly so Alka.... hence that urge to compile....
