Monday 21 November 2016


There is a saying that chillies and oil come for free in our home. Every visiting friend has by now by hearted it perhaps. No, I do not take it as an assault or criticism on me because that is not his nature except for accusing a large number of people for choosing a wrong guide of late. His research did not match the result.To that I say cool darling it is not an one of case, echoing you I would say people learn from their mistakes. We are also doing the same mistake of treating someone as Godly who is actually far from it. People will either realise or struggle and juggle through / with life. Next month when I will give a big note to the poor vegetable seller, he / she will look at me with blank, painful eyes. Nothing happens to our class; we eat, merry, drink whoever holds the rein, it is the lower strata of the society who suffer, always.

Coming back to the chilli and oil discussion, it is true that I use them generously in my cooking. I love spices actually. At times, I just open the containers and smell them! Oh! Lovely. I may sound silly to the world, what to do I am that way. I was never smart enough to change according to other's needs..... Stubborn to the core?.... yes I am.... take me as I am or quit..... it was some 19 autumns back.... on this day a worried mother told someone, "my daughter does not understand life, she is fragile, handle her with care please"..... a promise was made and kept till date... Hopefully he is not reading this otherwise would have gone wild as to why I went public with this day after repeated requests of not to .... and the duo will always conclude mamma is such a silly thing....

This kind of light curries are an after effect of the scoldings and warnings.... S...... we need to cut down on spices and oil. This recipe of a healthy curry with ridge gourd was learnt from a dear friend....  Piyali Mohanty..... our kids were in the same pre-school. When our kids were in the class, we used to sit and discuss about everything.... from films to food. A good cook herself, she told me about this healthy curry. I do not remember the exact recipe, neither did I whatsapp her for the details..... I just went ahead with it in my own way. Before I get engaged with some special cooking for the evening, I wished to share this simple, easy to do healthy and light curry with ridge gourd for all of you today. Let us do it together.


Ridge Gourd : 1-2 [We get here large sized only]
Milk : A small bowlful
Turmeric Powder : 1/4tsp
Nigella Seed : 3pinches
Ajmod Seed / Radhuni : 3pinches
Ginger Paste : 1/2tsp
Red Chilli Powder : 1/4 tsp
Salt : As Required
Sugar : 1/2tsp [optional]
Oil : 2tbsp


Peel and wash the ridge gourds. Cut half each one and then cut further length wise. Discard the seeds if there are too many. Apply a little of salt and turmeric, red chilli powder, mix well.

Heat the oil in a wok, temper with nigella and ajmod seeds. Add the ginger paste and stir for a minute, now add a little of turmeric and salt.

Add the marinated ridge gourd pieces. Stir well and cover.

After 5 minutes, remove the cover and you will see it has released water and is almost done.

Add the milk,  cover cook for another 2-3 minutes. Add the sugar, stir and take down after 1 minute.

Serve hot and fresh with rice. Since we are using milk here, it is preferred to be had fresh and not refrigerate for the next day. Or you may just refrigerate it for a day.


  1. Never tried this dish...simple and healthy as it has bottle gourd and milk too

  2. Spices are definitely the way to my cooking, though I have cut down on the amount of chillies. This curry is lovely. I like the taste and I like the final outcome. Yum.

  3. This is really new recipe for me..looks so creamy & yummy !!
