Thursday 8 December 2016


It is almost weekend, we are again threesome from twosome.... everything seems happier. Okay, Cristine too is a part of that happiness. From an almost no cooking mode to moderate cooking is the present scenario at home. The quiet mom with a quieter son was living a quiet life, missing someone. When the mamma was just about to believe that her son has stopped loving her, would he come and sit at the other corner of the couch threatening mom to throw out of the window if she tries to hug him. The mamma keeps wondering when and how the lolly polly mamma's boy turned onto become a daddy's one. Yet she is never worried, instead takes pride that they are different. If the equation of relationships is strong and is well understandable, one should not worry at all. 

There will be a lot of cooking for the coming week since the senior is not accompanying us for the holidays this time. I absolutely do it in my own will because my man has never demanded anything from me ever neither had he ever put any restrictions on me. As I always say I am a bad example of women's lib or may be the definition of women's lib is different to me.

Life and Philosophy is as interesting as of cooking for me. I do not miss the chance of expressing my thoughts along with my recipes. We will be heading to watch a good movie tonight, the mind should be set free. I wished to share this kofta curry made with raw papaya and dry fruits with you all today. Kancha Pepe or Raw Papaya is a common vegetable among us. I tried this Raw Papaya Kofta Curry just to get a breakthrough from our very own Aloo Peper Dalna or few other veggies with raw papaya. Since, Raw Papaya is in itself  bland, I tried it with a dry fruit stuffing . Let us prepare this Stuffed Raw Papaya Kofta Curry together. However bland, it is too healthy a vegetable, either eaten raw in a curry or ripe as a fruit.


Raw Papaya : 1 small sized [kancha Pepe / Kacche Papite]
Roasted Cashew nut : 6-7 chopped
Raisin : 7-8 chopped
Roasted Pistachio : 5-6 chopped
Onion Paste : 2tbsp
Ginger Paste : 1tsp
Garlic Paste : 1tsp
Onion Sliced : 1big
Green Chilli : 2chopped
Red Chilli Powder : 1tsp
Turmeric Powder : 1tsp
Cumin Powder : 1tsp
Coriander Powder : 1tsp
Salt : As Required
Sugar : 1tsp
Melon Seeds : 1 tsp
Corn Flour : 3-4 tbsp
Cumin Seed : 1/4tsp
Bayleaf : 1
Oil : 1small cup [for frying the kofta and for the curry]


Peel and wash the raw papaya. Cut the two ends and cut further into four halves. Cut off thinly the inner skin along with seeds and discard. Wash again and shred the papaya. 

Take in a bowl, add two cups of water and a little of salt. Microwave for 4 minutes. Take out, strain the water once cool and squeeze all of  the excess water.

Add the sliced onion, chopped green chillies, little of turmeric, cumin, coriander powders and salt, mix well. Add the corn flour and mix well. We can now shape small balls. Chop the roasted cashew nuts, raisins and pistachios.

Make a space hole in each ball and fill with some chopped dry fruits. Close and shape the ball again.

Heat the oil in a wok, fry the kofta in batches till brown. Transfer onto tissue paper.

Prepare a paste with the melon seeds. Temper the same oil with cumin seeds and the bayleaf. Add the onion paste and fry for 2 minutes. Add the ginger-garlic paste and fry for further 2 minutes. Add the melon seeds paste and stir for a minute.

Add the rest of the turmeric powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, red chilli powder, sugar and salt. Stir fry for a minute. 

Add one big cup of water and let boil for 3-4 minutes. Gently add the kofta balls. Let cook for a minute. Transfer to a bowl. Enjoy with rice or roti!