Wednesday 17 June 2015


With an egg lover in our home I keep looking for different recipes. This helps both ways, I am relieved of the monotony of cooking the same curry, also the family gets some variety in the food served. I was never a fan of egg, neither the son, his father is. There are funny, interesting stories regarding his love for eggs that his family told me, all of which cannot be shared publicly. 

I have seen the full grown adult to eat all of the rice and curry and then taking small bites of the egg so that it does not finish in a jiffy. Looking at it, I only give a smile of indulgence and feel the urge of looking for a variety of egg recipes.

This egg curry with poppyseed and mustard seed paste is a Bengali recipe but not that common. People of WestBengal more likely prepare this curry rather than their counter part from EastBengal. Not regular in our family, I still prepare it as it is extremely easy to prepare and tastes great with steamed rice. It is done with few ingredients and can be a saviour on a busy week day night. Let us see how easily and quickly it is done.


Egg : 5-6 [Earlier Bengalis used Duck Eggs for Curries]
Black Mustard Seed : 1tbsp
Poppyseed : 1tbsp [Those who stay in Singapore and Dubai may use white sesame seed instead]
Green Chilli : 4-5
Turmeric Powder : 1tsp
Salt : 1tsp
Nigella Seeds[kalonji] : 1/4 tsp
Bayleaf : 1
Oil : 3-4 tbsp [We use Mustard Oil]


In a small bowl, take together the mustard and poppyseeds[I used white sesame seeds], soak for an hour.  Take both in a blender, add the washed green chillies, 2-3 tbsp of water, 2-3 ice-cubes, salt. Blend to get a smooth paste. The salt and ice-cubes do not let the black mustard seeds get bitter.

Boil the eggs in enough water. Once cold, discard the shells.

Make slits on the eggs, rub with little salt and turmeric.

Heat the oil in a wok, lightly fry the eggs and keep aside.

Temper the remaining oil with the bayleaf and nigella seeds. Add the spice paste and fry at low heat for a minute.

Add a medium tea cup of water. As it comes to a boil, add the fried eggs.

Give a stir and let boil for 7-8 minutes. Switch off the gas stove as the gravy thickens.

Enjoy with piping hot steamed rice.