Wednesday 29 July 2020


I felt either I share this frozen dessert recipe today or I shall wait for few more more months for a next year to come. Anyway, mango season got over in most of the countries. I am a bit of a selfish in this matter. We get mango more or less throughout the year in this island and when it is mango I hardly follow any advice with regards to seasonal eating. I have to buy if the price range & quality suit me, feed the family and eat it too. I do not look for the Bengali or the Indian variety either; before eating, I just see if they are fresh, ripe and sweet. I like frozen fresh fruit & yogurt combinations, may be more than ice-creams these days. Bottles of creams going into the ice-creams do not give me comfort. If I buy a frozen fruit yogurt for 2:50 Sing$, I also get to consume the unnecessary emulsifier, artificial colorant, preservatives. Moreover, a 100ml cup does not seem enough to me. Is not it easier to prepare them at home? This time, I made a gluten-free, sugar-free, frozen yogurt with ripe mango puree, honey, litchi pulp, fresh mint, plain yogurt; named the vegetarian delight FRESH MINT LITCHI FROZEN MANGO YOGURT. Leaving the freezing part, everything else takes half-an-hour to gather and get done.

There is a series of events this month revolving our lives; Eid, Rakhi Poornima, the National Day Celebration here in the island and the Independence Day Celebration there in India, Janmashtami too. I have everything recorded inside and would share friendly recipes that all of us can sit together and enjoy. Most of the D-Day shares will  be vegetarian cooked in my kitchen. In any celebration, no one's plate should remain empty, I have to put something on your plate. What I cannot do is a series of appropriate shares for a fortnight revolving around the occasion; I am not an organised person and extremely moody. I cannot guarantee what would be my next action. Anyway, I believe my food shares are decent and after a long, descriptive blog post about a non-vegetarian stuffed snack; I should go ahead with a easy going, extremely yum, vegetarian, gluten-free, sugar-free frozen dessert recipe FRESH MINT LITCHI FROZEN MANGO YOGURT.

It again started raining. This year it feels there is too much of rain as compared to what is natural. The associated strong wind also is causing damage to my greens. I am literally craving for longer period of sunshines. But such a cool, cloudy weather is good for long walks and I am planning to walk down to the old neighbourhood after finishing off with the blog post. I am planning to cut my hair short not wanting to colour my greys anymore. To get an even grey look, the hair has to get short; hair studios here told no amount of bleach can get me an artificial salt & pepper look. I may bob it shoulder length. Before that, some chapatis have to be done to pack the man's lunch box with chicken, his snack box will have a blushing red & yellow pear and homemade ladoo. For the son's breakfast, I may do a quick, chocolate mug cake in microwave. Cristine would make both their lunch; "porota, omelette, aloo bhaja". Mumma will have her lunch outside, it can be a Yong Tao Fong; she cannot be at home before 3-3:30 pm probably. Thereafter, I may start with a new novel after over a month. Our life course is as simple as this.




Wash the mangoes well, discard the root ends and peel off the skins. Squeeze the pulp as much as possible. If there is space in the surrounding, add the seed to the soil.

Take the mango pulp and the washed mint leaves in a blender. 

Blend it at high for a minute to get a smooth puree.

Take the yogurt and honey in a bowl and beat well with a spoon or a hand beater.

Add the mango-fresh mint puree and beat again to incorporate everything well.

Pour the content on to a clean container. Peel off the skins of each of the litchi after washing. Take out the pulp and discard the seeds. Again, throw the seeds in the soil around.

Arrange the litchi pieces on top of the mango puree.

Cover it with a tight lid and freeze at least for 5-6 hours before serving.